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The object you pass to the jumbogrove function.


const game = {
    id: 'jg-example',
    version: 1,
    globalState: {
        aliensHaveInvaded: false,
    willEnter: (model, ui, previousId, nextId) => {
        console.log("Transitioning from", previousId, "to", nextId);
jumbogrove('#app', game);

Member Summary

Public Members

The Markdown string you want to show at the top of the right sidebar.


If you set this to false, the browser will not scroll as new text is added.


List of character definitions.


If you set this to false, fewer styles will be applied to the HTML.


The Markdown string you want to show whenever the game is saved.


The initial value of model.globalState.


An ID unique to your game.


The ID of the first situation you want to show the player.


The Markdown string you want to show at the top of the left sidebar.


If you set this to false, the right sidebar will not be shown.


If you set this to false, the left sidebar will not be shown.


List of situation definitions.


The current version of your game.

Method Summary

Public Methods

didAct(model: model, ui: ui, situation: Situation, action: string)

Called when the game is just executed the given action on the given sitaution.


didEnter(model: model, ui: ui, previousId: string, nextId: string)

Called when the game has just entered a new situation.


didExit(model: model, ui: ui, thisId: string, nextId: string)

Called when the game just exited a situation.


init(model: model, ui: ui)

Called immediately after all initial objects have been created, but before the first situation has been entered.


willAct(model: model, ui: ui, situation: Situation, action: string)

Called when the game is about to execute the given action on the given sitaution.


willEnter(model: model, ui: ui, previousId: string, nextId: string): Boolean

Called when the game has requested to enter a new situation.


willExit(model: model, ui: ui, thisId: string, nextId: string)

Called when the game is about to exit a situation.

Public Members

public asideHeader: string source

The Markdown string you want to show at the top of the right sidebar. This string is processed by the template engine before being displayed.

public autoScroll: Boolean source

If you set this to false, the browser will not scroll as new text is added. Default true.

public characters: character source

List of character definitions. Note: this is not the same as the Character class! There's a difference between what you write in your game definition, and what gets passed to the various callbacks.

public defaultStylesheet: Boolean source

If you set this to false, fewer styles will be applied to the HTML. Default true.

public gameSaveMessage: string source

The Markdown string you want to show whenever the game is saved.

public globalState: * source

The initial value of model.globalState. Must be JSON-safe.

public id: string source

An ID unique to your game. Used to determine save location.

public initialSituation: string source

The ID of the first situation you want to show the player.

public navHeader: string source

The Markdown string you want to show at the top of the left sidebar.

public showAside: Boolean source

If you set this to false, the right sidebar will not be shown. Default true.

public showNav: Boolean source

If you set this to false, the left sidebar will not be shown. Default true.

public situations: situation source

List of situation definitions. Note: this is not the same as the Situation class! There's a difference between what you write in your game definition, and what gets passed to the various callbacks.

public version: number source

The current version of your game. Used to determine save location.

Public Methods

public didAct(model: model, ui: ui, situation: Situation, action: string) source

Called when the game is just executed the given action on the given sitaution.


model model
ui ui
situation Situation
action string

public didEnter(model: model, ui: ui, previousId: string, nextId: string) source

Called when the game has just entered a new situation.


model model
ui ui
previousId string
nextId string

public didExit(model: model, ui: ui, thisId: string, nextId: string) source

Called when the game just exited a situation.


model model
ui ui
thisId string
nextId string

public init(model: model, ui: ui) source

Called immediately after all initial objects have been created, but before the first situation has been entered. This is where you would add Markdown plugins and Nunjucks filters.


model model
ui ui

public willAct(model: model, ui: ui, situation: Situation, action: string) source

Called when the game is about to execute the given action on the given sitaution.


model model
ui ui
situation Situation
action string

public willEnter(model: model, ui: ui, previousId: string, nextId: string): Boolean source

Called when the game has requested to enter a new situation. This function returns a truthy value (true) if this should be allowed, false if not.

It is safe to call model.do() or model.goTo() from willEnter(), as long as you return false afterward.


model model
ui ui
previousId string
nextId string



public willExit(model: model, ui: ui, thisId: string, nextId: string) source

Called when the game is about to exit a situation.


model model
ui ui
thisId string
nextId string