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// https://github.com/idmillington/undum/blob/master/docs/src/API.md
// http://raconteur.readthedocs.io/en/latest/oneOf/
// https://github.com/sequitur/improv
// https://www.npmjs.com/package/markdown-it-attrs
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// https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-it-smartarrows
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// https://www.npmjs.com/package/markdown-it-replacements
import _ from 'lodash';

/** @ignore */
const game = {
    id: 'jg-example',
    version: 1,
    // initialSituation: 'demo', 
    navHeader: `
    # Example game

    An example game for Jumbo Grove by Steve Johnson
    asideHeader: `
    # Characters
    globalState: {
        aliensHaveInvaded: false,
    willEnter: (model, ui, oldSituationId, newSituationId) => {
        if (oldSituationId) {
        return true;
    init(model, ui, md) {
        // configure markdown here!

game.characters = [
        id: 'player',
        name: 'Bob',
        description: 'It is you',
        showInSidebar: true,
        priority: 0,
        qualities: {
            util: {
                hidden: true,
            attributes: {
                name: 'Attributes',
                priority: 0,
                hair: {
                    type: 'onOff',
                    name: "widow's peak",
                    words: ["no", "yes"],
                    priority: 0,
                    initialValue: false,
                stealthy: {
                    type: 'flag',
                    name: "Stealthy",
                    priority: 1,
                    initialValue: false,
            states: {
                name: 'States',
                priority: 1,
                hunger: {
                    type: 'wordScale',
                    name: 'Hunger',
                    words: ['ravenous', 'hungry', 'neutral', 'sated', 'stuffed'],
                    priority: 0,
                    offset: 2,
                    initialValue: 0,
        state: {
            inventory: [],
game.situations = [];

    id: 'start',
    optionText: 'Play the Bob Game',
    content: `
    ## The Bob Game

    [Read more about Bob](>write:aboutBob)

    [Change favorite color](>replace:favoriteColor)

    [What am I?](>replaceself:teapot)

    Favorite color: **red**{#favoriteColor}

    choices: ['longboye', 'demo', 'hello'],
    actions: {
        test: (...args) => {
            console.log('test', ...args);
    snippets: {
        aboutBob: `
            Bob is a nice guy. You should get to know him.
        favoriteColor: `[blue](>replaceself:teapot)`,
        teapot: "I'm a teapot!",

    id: 'demo',
    optionText: 'Go back to start',
    content: `
        <% if (model.currentSituation.totalVisits > 0) { %>
        You have visited <%- model.currentSituation.totalVisits %> times.
        <% } else { %>
        What is your [name](>bob)?
        <% } %>

        Name presents: <%- listWithAction('name', 'or', 'Andy', 'Kevin', 'Steve') %>
    enter: (model, ui, fromSituation) => {
        ui.promptInput({placeholder: 'Enter your name'})
            .then((name) => { 
                model.player.name = name;
    actions: {
        name: (model, ui, value) => {
        bob: (model, ui) => {
            model.player.name = 'Bob';

    id: 'hello',
    content: `
        **You made your first choice**

        Howdy, <%- model.player.name %>!

        <%- ifThen(player.name === 'Bob', 'favoritism', 'pessimism') %>
    choices: ['start', 'longboye'],
    snippets: {
        favoritism: "I like you best.\n\n",
        pessimism: "You're...alright, I guess.\n\n",

    id: 'longboye',
    content: _.range(0, 100).map(() => '|').join('\n\n'),
    choices: ['start', 'demo', 'hello']
export default game;