Home Reference Source


export default {
    id: 'my-game',
    navHeader: `
        # My Game

        This text appears in the left sidebar.
    asideHeader: `
        # Stats

        This text appears in the right sidebar.
    globalState: {
        foo: 'bar',  // you may put anything JSON-safe in here
    characters: [
        // this section is a work in progress
    situations: [
        This is where the meat of the library is.

        A "situation" can be thought of as a room, a section, or
        some other conceptual unit. It has:

        * Markdown text displayed when you enter
        * "snippets" which can be inserted based on the user
            clicking links
        * "choices" which are automatically displayed after the text
        * JavaScript callbacks for all kinds of things
        * So much more, but I haven't had time to write docs yet

            id: 'start',  // first situation
            content: `
                # Welcome to Jumbo Grove

                [Normal links](https://google.com) work normally.

                [Links with an @](@frog) transition to another situation.

                [Links with a >](>debug_log) run an "action" within the
                situation. You can provide arguments to the action function
                using [colon separators](>debug_log:whats:up).
            actions: {
                debug_log: (...args) => { console.log("HELLO!", ...args); },
            choices: ['snippets_demo', 'state_demo'],
            // if this situation shows up in another choices array,
            // use this text:
            optionText: 'Go back to start',

            id: 'frog',
            optionText: 'Look at the cool frog',
            content: `
                There is a cool frog sitting on a stump.
            choices: ['start'],

            id: 'snippets_demo',
            optionText: 'Snippets demo',
            choices: ['start', 'state_demo'],
            content: `
                There are a few built-in special actions.

                1. \`write\` appends the snippet contents to the end of the
                    current section. [Try it](>write:poem)
                2. \`replace\` replaces the HTML element with the same ID as the
                    snippet, with the contents of the snippet. [Try it](>replace:ghost)

                    _This text will be replaced_{#ghost}
                3. \`replaceself\` replaces the clicked link with the contents of
                    the snippet. [Try it](>replaceself:robot)
            snippets: {
                poem: `
                    ### A poem

                    > Higgledy-piggledy Emily Dickinson  
                    > Liked to use dashes instead of full stops.  
                    > Nowadays, faced with such idiosyncrasies,  
                    > Critics and editors run for the cops.  
                ghost: '**BOO!**',
                robot: "Beep boop I'm a robot",

            id: 'state_demo',
            optionText: 'State demo',
            choices: ['start', 'snippets_demo'],
            content: `
            This section is not yet finished.