
Djockey’s dependencies should:

  1. Be written by a person who knows what they are doing
  2. Have few transitive dependencies

Current dependencies

Dependencies supporting developent and build process:

  • Bun: Runtime, client build, test suite
  • Jest: Making sure it works on vanilla Node

Dependencies supporting the core functionality of Djockey:

  • Pandoc (optional): Convert to and from non-Djot formats
  • @djot/djot: Parse Djot
  • argparse: Parse command-line arguments
  • fast-glob: Select files based on config options
  • micromatch: Apply config file include/exclude patterns (already a sub-dependency of fast-glob)
  • Nunjucks: String templates
  • parse5: Spec-compliant HTML5 parsing
  • gluegun: Command line output

Dependencies supporting experimental MyST support:

Dependencies supporting individual features:

  • Shiki: Syntax highlighting
  • Mermaid: Diagram rendering (pinned <11 due to broken TypeScript definitions)
  • Lunr: Site-wide search (though I am considering switching to flexsearch)
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