Typedoc integration

Added in version 0.2

Djockey can integrate with TypeDoc to create an integrated documentation experience that combines the authoring power of Djockey with rich API references. For example, here in the Djockey docs, we can type [](:ts:DjockeyPlugin) and get DjockeyPlugin.

The core concept is to render TypeDoc normally inside your docs directory, treat its output as static files, and then create convenient link aliases into it.

1. Run TypeDoc

First, run TypeDoc on your project with JSON and HTML output. The JSON output can go anywhere, but the HTML must go inside your docs source directory next to your markup.

npx typedoc src/index.ts \
  --json docs/src/types.json \
  --out docs/src/api

3. Configure Djockey

Assuming your djockey.yaml is under docs

  - path: src/typescript_link_map.json
    url_root: api/

The path is relative to djockey.yaml. url_root should be the place you rendered TypeDoc’s HTML output to.

You can use Tab and Shift+Tab to select a result, then Enter to navigate.
Type a search into the box.